The special event: Cow cuddling in Lower Saxony. In Southern Lower Saxony. We would be happy to welcome you. But now the virus has caught us too. Ingo and I will be out for a few days. But, even if we can’t personally, vouchers are still more and more popular – I bet there are still a lot of cow lovers who would like to make their friends, relatives or colleagues happy 🙂
Or for our ponies – they are also available for pony cuddling. Or go gently into mindfulness with the horse – Easter challenge: be in the here and now! Instead of being with the animals, we rely on our team led by Mimi. And I’m currently reorganizing our website. Look below, there is now the option in the header to display our site in English and French. It’s not optimal yet, but it’s a start. And some other features.
Whatever is right for you right now: stay in the moment. And treat yourself to a break soon, supported by our animals, be it a cow, pony, horse or dog.

With that in mind, take care! We look forward to seeing & meeting you soon.